My mum-in-law is out today so I took leave to stay at home to baby sit. One of the challenging parts of taking care of Jan is getting her to sleep. She usually plays so hard and so much that it can be hard at times to get her to unwind.
I was wary of that today so I made plan: I would bring her out for a while before her nap time. Usually that trick works pretty well...going out tires her rather quickly. However, when I got back and put her in bed, she was still very awake...*sigh*...I decided to leave her alone while I spend some time alone with God (thru reading my bible, journaling my thoughts, praying, etc).
I checked back on her several times and for a while she still didn't show any signs of weariness. I was getting desperate until I went into her room for one last check, and this is what I saw:
So hilarious!! Haha...I couldn't help but immediately grab the camera to snap these pictures.
Guess she joined me in my prayer time...hahahaa...except that she fell asleep halfway
Think God honours us spending time with Him, so He help me took care of Jan =)