We made used of the long weekend to take a short holiday in Hong Kong. In a way, this is her first flight, because she took her first real flight when she was still not old enough to appreciate what was going on around her.
The flight to and fro went relatively smoothly. The change in air pressure during take-off and landing didn’t seem to bother Jan. Jan couldn’t really sleep on the plane though, think it’s too exciting for her to close her eyes. We were glad we took SQ and got the first row because it was a lot roomier and it came with the bassinet. I feel for other parents with young children who didn’t manage to get the front row…they looked like they were cramped in their seats.
Above: Jan in her bassinet
Jan also tried her first airplane meal. SQ has this post-weaning meal for baby who just started on solids. The one on our going flight (shown in the photo) was very heavily flavoured, so Jan didn’t eat very much of it. The one on the return flight was much better.
Right: Jan’s first airplane meal
Traveling with young children is definitely not easy…have to constantly keep an eye on Jan throughout the flight, so we didn’t get to enjoy much of the inflight entertainment, i.e. the movies. We had to eat our meals later because we have to feed her first. Jan definitely kept us very busy throughout the flight. The good thing was my parents helped to take care of Jan for part of the flight, so my wife and I were able to eat in peace and catch parts of the movie “Hancock”.
Our first night in Hong Kong wasn’t easy though. Jan slept very late that day (past midnight!!), plus she was teething and she was in a new environment, so consequently she woke up at 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep till 6am….we spent the following day recuperating from that saga.
Amazingly, Jan was able to catch her naps during the trip in the baby carrier. That gave us more flexibility in planning our time. Nonetheless, Jan definitely slept less than her usual.
Left: Wonder mama carrying the 10kg baby all around town while baby catches a wink
We spent one of our days at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park. It was numerous attractions packed into one, and we visited the ones suitable for families: Seeing the Panda and the Chinese Sturgeon, the aquarium, riding the cable car and seeing the ocean theatre. It was a good place for the family to spend the day. My parents had a good time showing Jan the animals, and we all enjoyed the sights and sounds there. And at the end of the day, there is a cafe with a great view for all of us to unwind!
Below: Cable car ride; Grandma showing Jan the fishes in the aquarium; A great cafe to rest your legs while enjoying great scenaries