Sunday, 30 November 2008

Well done Trinity!

All of us who send our kids to Trinity's nursery should really pause a moment and give it our most sincere thanks, because it offers awesome value for free!  After sitting in a Julia Gabriel class over the past week, I made a mental list of what I liked and dislike about the class.

DSCF5574 What I liked was that Jan got to interact with and learn from other kids of her age group.  I also appreciated some new ideas of activities we could do with Jan (e.g. playing with playdoh).  Jan also learned more about how to feed herself!

However, I found that even for professionally trained teachers, it was not easy to engage children of this age using a classroom format--much of the time half of the children were lost in their own worlds.  Also, the instructor led parts of the session was only 1 hour long (the remaining hour is free play), so I find it a bit short...

So if I think of the session in a slightly simplistic manner, it was not too different from a typical Trinity nursery session!  Music, activities, snacks and play.  Yes, Julia Gabriel has more trained teachers, but Trinity has loving and committed volunteers!  Haha...think my church is going to get me be a spokesperson for the nursery.  Three cheers to Trinity's nursery!

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