She is a lot more insistent on doing things her way, and would whine or throw tantrums to get her way. She also says "no" very frequently. It often made our lives miserable as simple tasks like meals and milk turned into long-drawn battles.
Fortunately, I had a copy of Jo Frost's "Ask Supernanny". Jo Frost, if you recall, is the supernanny on a popular reality-TV series where she is called in to bring order to families under attack from unruly kids.
Jo Frost finds the technique "Naughty Spot" the most effective. She didn't invent the technique, as it also often known as the "Time-out" technique, but her high recommendation got us to decide to give it a try.
The amazing outcome was it works but we still don't understand why it works. For example, we would be feeding her food, and then when she refused, we would take her away to her naughty spot. Then when she returns, she would obediently finish her food...! And sometimes she would even ask to be brought to the naughty spot....
Amazing give it a try with your toddler. Might even work with your spouse =)
Above: Jan posing with her artificial smile (that's what you get when you ask her to say "cheese")
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