Saturday 9 February 2008

Milestones check

On Lunar New Year's eve, Jan seemed to discover new skills! Recently, I've been trying to let her drink water using a sippy cup and decided to let her try holding her own cup. She seemed to grasp hold of the new skill quite well and was holding it on her own. While putting her to bed, she seemed to refuse to sleep and kept turning to the prone position. Then she started to slowly move her hands backwards and soon she was sitting! I was quite amazed and she kept repeating the actions - prone, sit and then sit, prone. She was at it for quite a while before she decided that it's time to call it a day! Haha!

Some things she can do currently:
1. Protests violently when we take away something that she's playing with

2. Able to change from crawling position to sitting position and vice versa

3. Able to hold her own bottle

4. Cries loudly when daddy and mummy wave goodbye her every morning before heading for work (quite heart-wrenching!)

5. Kneels in her play pen and "munches" on the sides

6. Likes to hum

7. Shakes her head when she's sleepy or to indicate "no" e.g. doesn't want to be carried by someone else or she doesn't want more food. She looks really cute when she shakes her head. We never fail to be tickled by her action.

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