Sunday 9 January 2011

My little girl has grown!

6 Jan marks the day of formal preschool education for Jan in SJCK. I think I was more excited than Jan about going to school - kinda evident when I spent quite a long time to iron her school uniform (probably longer than hb's work clothes) :P

Here's Jan posing outside the house before we left for school.

2 days of orientation went by smoothly and I even had the chance to excuse myself out of the class halfway on the 2nd day during snack time. The little girl was busy eating biscuits and drinking milo (food not encouraged by her grandma) and was happy that I was out of the way. I "spied" on her outside the class and saw her asking for a 2nd helping of biscuits! Faint!

I managed to drop her off in school this morning with ZERO crying and boy was I glad! While she was in school, I had the time to buy my favourite teh c from Ya Kun at Mt Faber SAFRA, did my time alone in Telok Blangah Hill Park, had a prayer walk at Henderson Waves, run some errands and then picked her up from school. God is good! :)

In the car, Jan started pestering me to go back to work. When asked for the reason why, she said she wants to take the school bus. Really dunno to be happy or upset!! Seems like the bus ride matters more than spending time with me... boo hoo!!

Nonetheless, thank God for His protection over Jan and praying for better days to come! :)

Sunday 31 January 2010




老师非常用心地教课,也让我对华文有更浓厚的兴趣。那一年,我还在学校的作文比赛中得了第2名,那篇文章《钱的自述》也入选刊登在全国小学作文精选集里头。她也教了我怎么去记中文字的窍门- 就是在同别人说话时,用拇指在食指上把说的话写出来。




1月27日。我们一家带着沉重的心情,回到新山去见老师最后一面。看到老师的遗照时,还是记忆中那璀璨以及和蔼可亲的笑容。当我去瞻仰老师的遗容时,却差点都认不出她了。老师因为癌细胞扩散到肝脏,脸显得浮肿,脸色也变黑了。眼泪不经意地落下,心中的遗憾、惋惜及愧疚感跟着涌上来。随后,老师的母亲招待了我们,向我们述说了老师突发的病情。老师后来因为接受化疗,嘴里长了许多溃疡,头发也随着脱落。在不能忍受疼痛使,要求家人送她到新加坡看医生,却在经过关卡的时候病逝了。一只手的拳头还在紧握着 - 想必老师走的时候放不下的应该就是云忠和年仅12岁的儿子-翊轩吧!听了之后,能感受到老师所承受的痛与不舍。但老师即使已病危,却再次叮咛家人不能通知任何人,以免让他人操心。老师就是这种性格,处处为他人着想!唯一的安慰便是老师终于脱离苦海,再也不会被可怕的癌症病魔纠缠。



1. 生命的长短并不重要 - 重要的是活着的时候能为社会做出多少贡献、给身边的人带来多大的影响。

2. 珍惜身边你所爱的人 - 无论是一句慰问、鼓励甚至是道歉,哪怕是一通电话、一则简讯或是一封电邮。不要等到失去以后才来后悔,留下遗憾。

3. 传福音的工作不能怠慢 - 必须抓紧机会,否则就来不及了!真希望老师曾经接受过福音,至少来日我回到天国时还能与她再次相聚。



Sunday 10 January 2010

Taming Monkeys

This week we have been subscribing more to the old wisdom of "spare
the rod and spoil the child". We started drilling into Jan that she
will get spanked if she disobey us.

Why this week? Partly it's because she started school again, and it's
very challenging every morning getting her to class on time if she
refuses to eat breakfast quickly or let us brush her teeth. In
addition, we also wanted to greet her elders when she sees them.

There was definitely resistance in the beginning, and much tears and
some frustration. But after a week, we have made good progress. Jan is
noticeably more obedient now, and understands the consequence of
disobedience. She has also started greeting uncles and aunties when
she sees them.

A pat on our backs! But I reckon this as the start of the long
journey of child discipline.

Sunday 6 December 2009

A key goal of parenting

I believe that one key goal of parenting is to let our children achieve independence. My interpretation of independence, is when my children is able to provide for herself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Hmm....these four dimensions resonates well with the heart, soul, mind and strength dimensions in Mark 12:30!

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength"
Above: After much effort, Jan finally drinks milk from her own bottle by herself. Yet another step towards independence.

Heart - emotions! Be able be the master over common emotions like anger, frustration, sadness, etc

Soul - spiritual life. Establish her own personal relationship with God. Know how to continually deepen that relationship. Also develop her own value system.

Mind - thinking skills. Problem solving skills. Decision making skills.

Strength - physical well-being. This requires her to be able to earn her own living and know how to take care of her own health.

Wow....this is complex stuff, but writing them out helped me think through this topic more.

One last area is motivated by the 7 Habits book. Besides independence, the author also stressed the importance of interdependence--the ability to create synergies with people around us. So interdepedence should be another key goal of parenting!

Share you experience of how you had progressed towards these two goals!Posted by Picasa

Sunday 22 November 2009

Sunday 15 November 2009

Jan's Naughty Spot

Jan is fast approaching her 2.5-year-old mark, and through the past few months, we have witnessed the infamous "terrible-twos" in Jan.

She is a lot more insistent on doing things her way, and would whine or throw tantrums to get her way. She also says "no" very frequently. It often made our lives miserable as simple tasks like meals and milk turned into long-drawn battles.

Fortunately, I had a copy of Jo Frost's "Ask Supernanny". Jo Frost, if you recall, is the supernanny on a popular reality-TV series where she is called in to bring order to families under attack from unruly kids.

Jo Frost finds the technique "Naughty Spot" the most effective. She didn't invent the technique, as it also often known as the "Time-out" technique, but her high recommendation got us to decide to give it a try.

The amazing outcome was it works but we still don't understand why it works. For example, we would be feeding her food, and then when she refused, we would take her away to her naughty spot. Then when she returns, she would obediently finish her food...! And sometimes she would even ask to be brought to the naughty spot....

Amazing give it a try with your toddler. Might even work with your spouse =)

Above: Jan posing with her artificial smile (that's what you get when you ask her to say "cheese")
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Saturday 31 October 2009

Jan in Disney

We went to Hong Kong earlier this month, and we decided to pay a visit to the disneyland there since we had not visited it before.

It was a nice hideaway from the busyness of Hong Kong, and thankfully the park was not crowded when we were there and the scorching summer heat had just departed.

Jan enjoyed many of the rides there, but I suspect it was just another amusement park to her as she wasn't that into disney characters yet. I suspect the "disney magic" worked more strongly in my wife...