Friday 10 October 2008

Right Brain Education?

I had always found it hard to understand why some parents send their children to all those fanciful right brain, left brain, centre brain training classes, and many of those kids have not even reach one!!!??  Why waste money on some useless classes?  Why be so kia su?  Why subject your children to school pressure so early in their lives?  Can’t we let kids be kids and enjoy their childhood?!!

Well, the amazing thing is…I am now also considering sending Jan to those classes.

I realised that because Jan’s generation is brought up so different from my generation, I can’t apply how I was brought up to bring her up.  Moreover, one of my fears is that Jan will start school a lot less equipped than her peers.  I don’t believe that having a bigger vocabulary or being able to play more instruments will give a child much advantage in school, but I do believe that equipping them with better learning methods and tools will let them learn faster and help build their confidence.

So now I am still half skeptical how useful those classes are, but I am willing to give them a try and see for myself how useful they are.


And I will definitely see if my girl enjoys those classes or feel pressured by them.  I doubt she will feel pressure though, ‘cos now everything new is interesting to her, and I don’t think they will put her through examinations yet.

Well, will tell you more after we get to those classes.

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