Sunday 16 November 2008

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet

DSCF5377We went to the zoo during one of the past weekends!  I haven't been to the zoo for quite a while, so it was probably as exciting for me as it was for Jan.  I rediscovered this world class treasure that we have in Singapore.  I was really impressed with how the place is setup, such that visitors can have close-up experience with a huge variety of animals, not be obstructed by cages and fences, and enjoy shade from Singapore's blazing sun.

Unfortunately, Jan was not feeling very well that day, so she didn't get to see much of the park.  Moreover, the park was rather crowded that day, so that further dampened our experience.

DSCF5366Nonetheless, I would want to go back there again.  I think it is a great place to visit, especially when you bring kids.  It is the perfect place for me and pt to bring alive all the animals we have shown Jan on picture books.  Moreover, there were a lot of informative display boards about animals in the park, and I think we adults can benefit much from the park too.  However, next time I would prefer to take leave on a weekday to go, hopefully it will be less crowded and more enjoyable.

Oh ya, if you are wondering what the title of this post mean, it is the title of a story that we frequently read to her.


  1. The famous (probably now infamous) white tiger. 
  2. Jan with a tired face...she was feeling sleepy for most part of the trip
  3. These otters were really funny.   They would move around as if they were stuck to one another.

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