Thursday 31 July 2008

Long overdue review with PD

Jan's supposed to do her 1-year-old review with the PD but being the procrastinating parents (papa's fault), we just conveniently waited for the appt with the NUH PD today. It was actually fixed more than 6 months ago and we had absolutely no clue if she's due for any vaccine - faint!

So, at 13.5mths, Jan's vital stats are (drum roll)
Height - 77cm
Weight - 9.6kg (the blur parents actually thought she weighs barely 9kg)

Hmmm... she actually belongs to the 75th percentile! Thank God for the growth :)

The PD went on to perform some developmental milestone checks. Cheeky Jan started blowing at the light that the PD used to check her eyes, thinking that it is a candle! Faint! Nonetheless, the PD was quite impressed with the number of words that Jan could speak!
  1. Papa
  2. Mama
  3. 爷爷
  4. 奶奶
  5. 外婆
  6. 舅舅
  7. 电视

  8. 眼镜

  9. 美美

  10. 姐姐

  11. 抱抱

  12. 怕怕 (taps her chest when she's scared)

  13. banana (one of her favourite fruits)

  14. apple

  15. pear

  16. baby

  17. lion
  18. star (her favourite song - twinkle twinkle little star)

  19. bear (her favourite soft toy)

  20. hair (pulls her hair while she says this)

  21. nose

  22. ear

  23. taxi

  24. car

  25. tortoise

  26. cheese

  27. please

  28. men-men (she still can't say amen)

She can also recognise some words and say them as well:

  1. Mmmm

  2. Ooooh

  3. Aaaah
  4. Ssssh

  5. duck
We've been letting Jan play with stacking cups and she's been quite good at it. She would also automatically start clapping, singing and dancing when she hears music. Maybe she's musicaly inclined?? She enjoys putting her toys away too! Other than taking a looooooooong time to finish her milk (sometimes, it takes her an hour to finish her milk feed!!), she's relatively easier to care for now that she's older and able to communicate her needs.

Looking forward to better days ahead!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cool! Jan can speak... L can only go eh, ah, da etc only.. :p